Tech-Advanced Armored Helmet

This project was one of my very first, larger scale custom crafts. Although it was not made for order, this helmet had a huge effect on my upcoming works and on my own path aswell. In other words, that was the final kick to create Dante’s Workshop itself.

The helmet was done in early 2019, right before I get my first 3D printer. To achieve such detailed and angled shapes was quite a challenge without that technology. Every last piece of the front part’s inner structure was cut and assembled manually, by hand. Just like the magnesium alloy platings that seamlessly covers the whole area. Since it was dedicated to be a ’mech’ like helmet, there was no question from the starts; light effects were need to be added.

A dual part custom made blue LED module were built in around both, steel-net protected eye socket. On the side panels, there are two integrated fans takes place to prevent condensation and provide cooling, while maintaining a low noise level. The color choice was an absolute unique one. I did not want to hide all the magnesium alloy parts, but I was certain to break the boring all grey metallic look. The name of the used shade is called: petrol blue, which harmonizes phenomenally after a slight weathering with the minor brownish rust elements. – Dante

Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
Dantes Workshop Blue Metal Helmet
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